Proven performance against ultrafine particles
Ultrafine particles are smaller than 0.1 microns. By sheer number, about 90% of all airborne particles are this size. The primary source of ultrafine particles is combustion from motor vehicles, refineries, industrial plants and even cooking. Viruses are also ultrafine particles. The small size of ultrafine particles enables them to be easily inhaled, deposited into the lungs and absorbed into the blood. They have been linked to heart attacks, strokes, asthma and even cancer.
Manufacturers of ordinary air filtration systems claim only that their systems filter particles larger than 0.3 microns. IQAir is different. IQAir’s HyperHEPA filtration is proven and certified to filter up to 99.5% of all particles down to 0.003 microns – the smallest particles that exist. Independent testing by laboratories and government agencies verifies the effectiveness of IQAir technology against ultrafine particles. When it comes to protection against ultrafine particulates, IQAir is the proven choice.

Antimicrobial filters kill on contact
Best media, superior performanceWhen the cleanest air possible is required for medical and laboratory applications, every incremental gain in air quality is significant. In addition to IQAir’s unequaled HyperHEPA® filtration technology, both the PreMax™ pre-filter and the HyperHEPA H13 particle filter in the Cleanroom Series feature antimicrobial media. These antimicrobial filters reduce microbial colonization and help preserve the integrity of the filtration media.

Up to 100x more filtration than standard HEPA
100x more filtrationThe Cleanroom Series features 7.5 m2 (surface area) of IQAir’s HyperHEPA H13 micro-pleat filtration media with solvent-free separators. IQAir’s HyperHEPA filtration is proven to stop the smallest, most harmful particles in the air all the way down to 0.003 microns – the smallest particles that exist. That includes viruses, bacteria, pollution particles and other contaminants. IQAir uses nanofiber technology and innovative design to stop particles up to 100x smaller than what conventional HEPA air filters are capable of.

Certified before it leaves the factory
Certified performanceIQAir individually tests each and every Cleanroom Series air purifier at the factory to ensure that the performance of each system meets published specifications. Electronic laser particle counters sample the air at the air purifier outlet to verify that the system is performing to efficiency standards in reality, not just theory. If the system is not performing as stated, it is not shipped. The results of each test are detailed in a hand-signed Certificate of Performance, which is shipped from the factory in the box with every Cleanroom Series system.

New Edition Technology
New Edition technologyCleanroom Series air purifiers feature IQAir New Edition technology that makes them more powerful than previous generations. Compared to previous generations, New Edition systems deliver up to 26% more clean air, 49% longer filter life and 7% less sound on top fan speed. At the heart of the New Edition systems is the IQAir New Edition fan; the most powerful fan ever used in a commercial stand-alone air purifier. New pleating patterns and other technological advances in New Edition filters also contribute to increased airflow and longer filter life of New Edition systems.

Maximum particle filtration
The Cleanroom Series provides maximum control of airborne particulates. It is designed for cleanrooms, labs and other environments up to Class 100. Air is drawn in at the bottom of the system and into the powerful antimicrobial high-accumulation, high-capacity PreMax pre-filter. This is an industrial ASHRAE class F8 micro-pleat filter with 7.0 m2 of surface area. More than 55% of all particles 0.3 microns or larger are filtered at this point. The New Edition fan powerfully draws air through the pre-filter and into the IQAir HyperHEPA antimicrobial hospital-grade filter. The HyperHEPA filter also features 5.5 m2 of surface area, certified and proven to filter 99.97% of all particles 0.3 microns and larger and 99.5% of all particles down to 0.003 microns in diameter. These are the smallest particles that exist. Bacteria, viruses, combustion particles and virtually any other particles in the air are efficiently and effectively removed by the Cleanroom Series.