Proven performance against ultrafine particles
Ultrafine particles are smaller than 0.1 microns. By sheer number, about 90% of all airborne particles are this size. The primary source of ultrafine particles is combustion from motor vehicles, refineries, industrial plants and even cooking. Viruses are also ultrafine particles. The small size of ultrafine particles enables them to be easily inhaled, deposited into the lungs and absorbed into the blood. They have been linked to heart attacks, strokes, asthma and even cancer.
Manufacturers of ordinary air filtration systems claim only that their systems filter particles larger than 0.3 microns. IQAir is different. IQAir’s HyperHEPA filtration in the HealthPro Series is proven and certified to filter at least 99.5% of all particles down to 0.003 microns – the smallest particles that exist. Independent testing by laboratories and government agencies verifies the effectiveness of IQAir technology against ultrafine particles. When it comes to protection against ultrafine particulates, IQAir is the proven choice.
Up to 41% more clean air
New EditionThe New Edition HealthPro Series features the most powerful fan ever used in a residential room air purifier. That power translates into even better air cleaning results. The new three-dimensionally optimized design now uses state-of-the-art aerodynamics to convert energy into more air and less noise. We also improved the HyperHEPA® filter pleating design, which increases the filter surface area of the filter. The result of these improvements is up to 41% more clean air.

Up to 100X more filtration than ordinary HEPA
Unlike other air purifiers, IQAir’s HyperHEPA filtration system is proven to stop the smallest, most harmful particles in the air, all the way down to 0.003 microns – the smallest particles that exist. That includes viruses, pet dander, dust mites, air pollution and even cigarette smoke. IQAir uses nanofiber technology and innovative design to stop particles 100 times smaller than what other air purifiers claim. We don’t just claim it, we prove it in rigorous independent testing.
Certified performance
Certified performanceIQAir individually tests each and every HealthPro Series air purifier at the factory to ensure that its performance meets our strict specifications. We use an electronic laser particle counter to verify that your HyperHEPA filtration is meeting our exacting standards in reality, not just theory. We test total system efficiency – the actual air coming out of the outlet. If the system is not delivering 99.97% cleaner air or better, we don’t ship it. Period. The results of the tests are detailed in a hand-signed Certificate of Performance, which is shipped in the box with every HealthPro Series system.

Up to 40% longer filter life
New EditionIQAir’s New Edition air purifiers feature the most advanced filter-pleating pattern ever designed for a residential system. This technology not only increases airflow, but also increases particulate loading capacity on the PreMax™ pre-filter and on the main HyperHEPA filter. This saves you money and reduces the frequency of filter replacements.

3-Year warranty
Our simple promise.
At IQAir, we are committed to providing you with the best air purifiers in the world. And we back it up 100% with this simple, straightforward warranty. We ensure that your IQAir® HealthPro® Series system meets or exceeds our quality guarantee. We also guarantee that your system is free from defects, or we will fix or replace it for free. This includes everything.
This is our simple promise. We stand 100% behind the quality of our Swiss-made air purifiers. So you can relax and breathe easy.